and Public writer
Give your writing purpose and depth!

Passing on experiences
In order to help people who want to write their memoirs
for future generations, travel books, or any other private document,
I just added a new writing service to my repertoire.
Because it is said that
“one does not translate texts, but one writes translations,”
writing is a logical progression for me.

My services
Call on a public writer who will give your writing significance and substance
whether you need to compose a letter, polish the structure of a CV, edit your memoir,
or begin writing your life narrative.

Biographies, testimonies, introductions
You want to share your own narrative with your friends, children, and grandchildren.
Write a vacation journal or testify about your life path?
Give your family, friends, or the broader public a unique experience, an encounter that has shaped you?
In order to get you a story, printed or digital, enriched or not with poetry, images, or drawings,
I will be honored to accompany you throughout this intimate experience
using an effective and personalized technique.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me if you need any more details.
I’ll provide you a thorough quote outlining the different stages of your project in return.

Office and professional documents
Internship reports, theses, dissertations, etc.
Need to write a thesis, a dissertation, or a report on an internship—all papers that can be used to complete several years of education…
If you want to increase your chances, create an attractive and accurate piece of work.
I can proofread, correct, and partially rewrite (if necessary) your paper
thanks to my four master’s degrees in management and comparative literature
and two years of experience as a proofreader in the publishing industry.
Cover letters, resumes, etc.
Do you intend to work? You must submit your application with a strong CV
and a cover letter that is especially crafted to meet the demands of your potential employer.
I can help you produce persuasive materials that will help you win interviews
because I have years of expertise hiring commercial and financial profiles.
My commitments

and Care


Accuracy and Integrity
of text/source material


Let's start working on your upcoming project right away!
For technical or literary translation from English to French and vice versa, or for copywriting services.
Get a cost-free estimate
I fully uphold the following three principles in accordance with the SFT’s Code of Ethics,
which specifies the principles, obligations, and practices of the profession within a framework of references for all member translators,
regardless of their status as independent or salaried:
Integrity and probity, which ensure that the client will respect the translator’s objective and that they will uphold the profession’s reputation.
Accuracy, which is the accurate representation of the source text.
Adherence to professional discretion

I want to express my gratitude to my clients for their kind words
Madame Céline Cruickshanks a réalisé au cours de l’année 2020 et en ce début d’année 2021 plusieurs travaux de traduction pour notre société KPMG S.A. Nous avons été pleinement satisfaits, et même au-delà de nos attentes, de la qualité des travaux et des services rendus. Ces prestations ont été principalement réalisées dans le cadre de propositions techniques émises par notre cabinet et nécessitant une traduction français / anglais. Madame Cruickshanks a été très disponible et réactive pour rendre ses travaux dans des délais courts, y compris les jours fériés. Nos textes à traduire étant essentiellement de nature financière, nous avons apprécié ses propositions de traductions dont le rendu était conforme aux messages que nous souhaitions véhiculer.
Laurent Génin
Associé audit, ParisCéline was a pleasure to work with in various translation and interpreting projects in Hong Kong. She is very reliable, competent, and personable. One memorable and particularly challenging collaboration of ours was the translation from French to English of the exhibition catalog of Artists and Their Models: Masterpieces from the Centre Pompidou, Paris. Hong Kong Museum of Art. 2006 (25,000 words).
Mark Greene
Counseling and Psychotherapy ; Mediation Author of « Adventure in Archetype »Ayant eu maintes fois l’occasion de travailler en bonne intelligence avec Madame Cruickshanks dans ses fonctions de traducteur et interprète depuis 2011, je puis témoigner de sa remarquable compétence technique, ainsi que de sa réactivité et de son professionnalisme. J’insisterais beaucoup sur sa fine compréhension des dossiers et sa capacité à réaliser des traductions techniques respectant parfaitement les nuances et les détails que la rédaction juridique implique.
Agnès Maréchal
Conseiller fiscal et juridique, Lefèvre Pelletier et associés, Hong-KongCéline has always been one of my preferred translators since I knew her in 2004. She is efficient, reliable and pleasant to work with. I highly recommend her to everyone!
Grace Mak Petit
Procurement Deputy General Manager, Goldin, Hong KongMme Cruickshanks nous a toujours remis, dans les délais impartis, des documents traduits avec une grande rigueur, tout en s’efforçant d’utiliser la terminologie la plus adaptée à notre contexte particulier. Par ailleurs, Mme Cruickshanks est une personne de contact facile et agréable qui place l’intérêt de ses clients avant tout. Ainsi, elle nous a parfois traduit des documents dans l’urgence, sans que la qualité des documents remis ne soit à redire.
Paul Lévy
Directeur Général, chargé du développement international, Clestra HausermanMrs. Cruickshanks has the most important skill in the translating industry, which is a dominance of two languages. She can perfectly translate from English to French or French to English. However, she offers so much more. She is extremely perseverant, prompt and always delivers her work on time with very stringent deadlines. This is why she is considered one of the top translators in our experience of publishing our website and Newsletters. We have over worked with many translators, so this is saying a lot. I feel extremely confident and comfortable recommending her for work in any area of translating and copy writing.
Adela Sinclair
Director of admissions, Ecole Internationale de New-YorkI joined the French chamber of commerce in 2010 and I have had a professional relationship with Mrs. Celine Cruickshanks since then. Mrs. Cruickshanks has not only consistently provided our clients with translation services of the highest level of competency and in a prompt and reactive fashion. She is also very pleasant to work with and always delivers her work on time.
Lilian Lao
Trade Fair Manager, French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong